建模物理系统的数据驱动方法无法推广到与学习域共享相同一般动态的看不见的系统,但与不同的物理环境相对应。我们为此关键问题提出了一个新的框架,即上下文知识的动态适应(CODA),该框架考虑了整个系统之间的分布转移,以快速有效地适应新的动力学。 CODA利用多个环境,每个环境都与不同的动态相关联,并学会将动态模型定为上下文参数(特定于每个环境)。调节是通过超网络进行的,并从观察到的数据与上下文向量共同学习。提出的公式限制了搜索假设空间,以促进跨环境的快速适应和更好的概括。我们从理论上激励我们的方法,并在一组非线性动力学上显示出最新的概括结果,这是多种应用领域的代​​表。我们还在这些系统上还显示,可以从上下文向量中推断出新的系统参数,并以最小的监督为准。
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Mean-field games have been used as a theoretical tool to obtain an approximate Nash equilibrium for symmetric and anonymous $N$-player games in literature. However, limiting applicability, existing theoretical results assume variations of a "population generative model", which allows arbitrary modifications of the population distribution by the learning algorithm. Instead, we show that $N$ agents running policy mirror ascent converge to the Nash equilibrium of the regularized game within $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\varepsilon^{-2})$ samples from a single sample trajectory without a population generative model, up to a standard $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}})$ error due to the mean field. Taking a divergent approach from literature, instead of working with the best-response map we first show that a policy mirror ascent map can be used to construct a contractive operator having the Nash equilibrium as its fixed point. Next, we prove that conditional TD-learning in $N$-agent games can learn value functions within $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\varepsilon^{-2})$ time steps. These results allow proving sample complexity guarantees in the oracle-free setting by only relying on a sample path from the $N$ agent simulator. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our methodology allows for independent learning by $N$ agents with finite sample guarantees.
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Foundation models are redefining how AI systems are built. Practitioners now follow a standard procedure to build their machine learning solutions: download a copy of a foundation model, and fine-tune it using some in-house data about the target task of interest. Consequently, the Internet is swarmed by a handful of foundation models fine-tuned on many diverse tasks. Yet, these individual fine-tunings often lack strong generalization and exist in isolation without benefiting from each other. In our opinion, this is a missed opportunity, as these specialized models contain diverse features. Based on this insight, we propose model recycling, a simple strategy that leverages multiple fine-tunings of the same foundation model on diverse auxiliary tasks, and repurposes them as rich and diverse initializations for the target task. Specifically, model recycling fine-tunes in parallel each specialized model on the target task, and then averages the weights of all target fine-tunings into a final model. Empirically, we show that model recycling maximizes model diversity by benefiting from diverse auxiliary tasks, and achieves a new state of the art on the reference DomainBed benchmark for out-of-distribution generalization. Looking forward, model recycling is a contribution to the emerging paradigm of updatable machine learning where, akin to open-source software development, the community collaborates to incrementally and reliably update machine learning models.
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One of the major challenges of machine translation (MT) is ambiguity, which can in some cases be resolved by accompanying context such as an image. However, recent work in multimodal MT (MMT) has shown that obtaining improvements from images is challenging, limited not only by the difficulty of building effective cross-modal representations but also by the lack of specific evaluation and training data. We present a new MMT approach based on a strong text-only MT model, which uses neural adapters and a novel guided self-attention mechanism and which is jointly trained on both visual masking and MMT. We also release CoMMuTE, a Contrastive Multilingual Multimodal Translation Evaluation dataset, composed of ambiguous sentences and their possible translations, accompanied by disambiguating images corresponding to each translation. Our approach obtains competitive results over strong text-only models on standard English-to-French benchmarks and outperforms these baselines and state-of-the-art MMT systems with a large margin on our contrastive test set.
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Recent developments of advanced driver-assistance systems necessitate an increasing number of tests to validate new technologies. These tests cannot be carried out on track in a reasonable amount of time and automotive groups rely on simulators to perform most tests. The reliability of these simulators for constantly refined tasks is becoming an issue and, to increase the number of tests, the industry is now developing surrogate models, that should mimic the behavior of the simulator while being much faster to run on specific tasks. In this paper we aim to construct a surrogate model to mimic and replace the simulator. We first test several classical methods such as random forests, ridge regression or convolutional neural networks. Then we build three hybrid models that use all these methods and combine them to obtain an efficient hybrid surrogate model.
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We introduce submodel co-training, a regularization method related to co-training, self-distillation and stochastic depth. Given a neural network to be trained, for each sample we implicitly instantiate two altered networks, ``submodels'', with stochastic depth: we activate only a subset of the layers. Each network serves as a soft teacher to the other, by providing a loss that complements the regular loss provided by the one-hot label. Our approach, dubbed cosub, uses a single set of weights, and does not involve a pre-trained external model or temporal averaging. Experimentally, we show that submodel co-training is effective to train backbones for recognition tasks such as image classification and semantic segmentation. Our approach is compatible with multiple architectures, including RegNet, ViT, PiT, XCiT, Swin and ConvNext. Our training strategy improves their results in comparable settings. For instance, a ViT-B pretrained with cosub on ImageNet-21k obtains 87.4% top-1 acc. @448 on ImageNet-val.
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Vision-Language Pretraining (VLP) and Foundation models have been the go-to recipe for achieving SoTA performance on general benchmarks. However, leveraging these powerful techniques for more complex vision-language tasks, such as cooking applications, with more structured input data, is still little investigated. In this work, we propose to leverage these techniques for structured-text based computational cuisine tasks. Our strategy, dubbed VLPCook (Structured Vision-Language Pretraining for Computational Cooking), first transforms existing image-text pairs to image and structured-text pairs. This allows to pretrain our VLPCook model using VLP objectives adapted to the strutured data of the resulting datasets, then finetuning it on downstream computational cooking tasks. During finetuning, we also enrich the visual encoder, leveraging pretrained foundation models (e.g. CLIP) to provide local and global textual context. VLPCook outperforms current SoTA by a significant margin (+3.3 Recall@1 absolute improvement) on the task of Cross-Modal Food Retrieval on the large Recipe1M dataset. Finally, we conduct further experiments on VLP to validate their importance, especially on the Recipe1M+ dataset. The code will be made publicly available.
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A link stream is a set of triplets $(t, u, v)$ indicating that $u$ and $v$ interacted at time $t$. Link streams model numerous datasets and their proper study is crucial in many applications. In practice, raw link streams are often aggregated or transformed into time series or graphs where decisions are made. Yet, it remains unclear how the dynamical and structural information of a raw link stream carries into the transformed object. This work shows that it is possible to shed light into this question by studying link streams via algebraically linear graph and signal operators, for which we introduce a novel linear matrix framework for the analysis of link streams. We show that, due to their linearity, most methods in signal processing can be easily adopted by our framework to analyze the time/frequency information of link streams. However, the availability of linear graph methods to analyze relational/structural information is limited. We address this limitation by developing (i) a new basis for graphs that allow us to decompose them into structures at different resolution levels; and (ii) filters for graphs that allow us to change their structural information in a controlled manner. By plugging-in these developments and their time-domain counterpart into our framework, we are able to (i) obtain a new basis for link streams that allow us to represent them in a frequency-structure domain; and (ii) show that many interesting transformations to link streams, like the aggregation of interactions or their embedding into a euclidean space, can be seen as simple filters in our frequency-structure domain.
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Channel charting (CC) is an unsupervised learning method allowing to locate users relative to each other without reference. From a broader perspective, it can be viewed as a way to discover a low-dimensional latent space charting the channel manifold. In this paper, this latent modeling vision is leveraged together with a recently proposed location-based beamforming (LBB) method to show that channel charting can be used for mapping channels in space or frequency. Combining CC and LBB yields a neural network resembling an autoencoder. The proposed method is empirically assessed on a channel mapping task whose objective is to predict downlink channels from uplink channels.
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In this paper, we propose a novel technique to accelerate Ising machines hyperparameter tuning. Firstly, we define Ising machine performance and explain the goal of hyperparameter tuning in regard to this performance definition. Secondly, we compare well-known hyperparameter tuning techniques, namely random sampling and Tree-structured Parzen Estimator (TPE) on different combinatorial optimization problems. Thirdly, we propose a new convergence acceleration method for TPE which we call "FastConvergence".It aims at limiting the number of required TPE trials to reach best performing hyperparameter values combination. We compare FastConvergence to previously mentioned well-known hyperparameter tuning techniques to show its effectiveness. For experiments, well-known Travel Salesman Problem (TSP) and Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) instances are used as input. The Ising machine used is Fujitsu's third generation Digital Annealer (DA). Results show, in most cases, FastConvergence can reach similar results to TPE alone within less than half the number of trials.
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